Sisters: A Forever Kind of Friendship

ale and baby

“I want to kiss the baby!”

Victor and I were excited to find out that we were expecting again.  It wasn’t something that we had planned, but the best things in life seem to be the things I haven’t planned for myself!  This little baby is a blessing to our family!

I haven’t really announced this baby on social media, and I have kept quiet even on here until now.  It seems that having one sweet little girl has made it more real how fragile life is–and I haven’t felt comfortable talking much about this new life until now.  I have friends who have struggled to conceive, friends who have lost precious babies the early weeks, and friends who have carried to full term only to lose the baby at the end.  I am aware that life is God’s gift to be given and taken away.  How humbling!

Ale has become so excited about Baby Sister.  She hugs me, kisses my belly, and plays with all the baby’s things that we have been getting ready.  Originally we thought a little boy would be joining our family–and it wasn’t until nearly my third trimester that the doctor went to confirm the sex and was surprised by the evidence (or lack thereof) on the ultrasound.  While I was shocked, I started to think of how great it would be to have a little sister for Ale.

I am a little sister.  And I have a little sister.  There’s nothing quite like the relationship of sisters!  I love my brothers dearly, but there’s something different about sisters.  I think of these sweet older ladies that I grew up with in meeting.  The three sisters.  Even in their old age, they were fast friends!  My own Mamaw and her sister, Aunt Lucy, were also together to the end.  Sisters are like friends you didn’t choose for yourself–again confirming that the choices we don’t make for ourselves are the best!

Sisters get to sleep together.  Sisters get to live together.  Sisters get to share clothes, shoes, hair products, and bedrooms.  Sisters get to share secrets.  Sisters get to be silly, scary, and sneaky.  Sisters make memories every time they are together.  Sisters bring up memories that the other wishes could be forgotten.  Sisters sing, play, snuggle and giggle.  Sisters fight and forgive.  Sisters gossip.  Sisters encourage.  Sisters believe the best.  Sisters accept the worst.  Sisters stick together.  Sisters are forever friends.


Not the best picture of any of us, but the last sister photo we have together.



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